New York, dream big

Dining and shopping capital
New York city seems to be a dream destination for many, the American dream across the world, there is something that’s so attractive for diverse groups of people and nations, it might be the “hard get to”. The city that never sleeps, there is non stop action going on, there is no mute or stop button, NY and its citizens have no time for getting rest, it’s pretty stressful but definitely worth it. New York city wears many crowns, it’s center of arts, dining, shopping, economics and tourism, there is no such a sector that NY wouldn’t be able to carry proudly.

Everything in NY city is the latest and the greatest, you really have to work on it hard, to follow, it changes in eye blink, everything is faster and more awake than anywhere else. It has something that makes you keep on going, going with a flow is not really possible in here, you are immediately out! It’s a infinitely complex, with its own standards of telling time, they are constantly in a search of next big hit that might be around the corner. New Yorkers work even when they attend a party, it’s all about knowing someone new that will help you to jump into the carrier step…It doesn’t really matter when you will be visiting this very active city, it will always be few steps ahead you and everyone else…it’s what it is, the Big Apple capital.

Streets of this crazy metropolis are packed with all possible things and people from all over the world, people selling hot dogs, walking dogs, going with the skates, stopping yellow cabs, in the middle of all the confusion, great architectural wonders standing still, and the Lady Liberty keeping the eye on everything and everyone. You can get lost in New York, that’s for sure, but you know the most amazing thing about this city?

Is that if you want to get away from this chaos, take left and you will step into Chinatown, eat noodles, walking over a few avenues , you might cross few continents and different cities with diverse cultures. On the Upper West Side you will find a Jewish delis, a bit further cobblestone streets will bring you to the Greenwich Village, Buddhist temples in the middle of everything…it’s full of surprises if you are new in here, New Yorkers don’t wonder anymore, it’s daily routine for them.

Food, well, that’s one of the reasons why you should visit NY, maybe it’s even a reason why everyone is dreaming of this city, because let’s be honest is not because its so organized or clean, it’s a mess, mess with a great cuisine. Actually there are bunch of them, you will find everything, you feel like tasting pizza, real Italian pizza? Around the corner Antonio from Italy will serve it for you, you feel like eating chinese noodles, well there are plenty of great Chinese restaurants around. Anything from American classics to Indian spices and Earopen. Bars will serve you everything, no matter where you come from, they will have it, from coffee roasting and whiskey distilling to chocolate! New York has it all, so put your expectations high, and get even better!

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