Best Time to visit MEXICO

enjoy a beautiful Country
Mexico is a great place to visit all year round with some amazing attractions to see. In regards to the weather, the best time to visit is from October to the start of May when it is more pleasant as the summer months from May to September get very hot and humid.

If you wish to see Mexico’s amazing beaches and spend some time swimming then go during the summer. You will find other fantastic beaches, stunning landscape, shorelines and exciting nightlife in Copper Canyon and Los Cabos. Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero is the most popular holiday resort where you will find modern infrastructure and nightclubs blending seamlessly with calm beaches, vegetation and one of the most beautiful bays in the Pacific.

If the beach isn’t for you, then visit during the cooler part of the year and check out the ancient Meso-American ruins of the Mayan and Aztec civilisations. Visit Malinalco to see the Aztec temple of Cuauhtinchan which served as an initiation site for warriors. A must see is the impressive acheological site of Chichen-Itza which is located in Yucatan and is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. A Mayan site, the structures are noted as being a mix of Mayan and Central Mexican architectural style. Tulum is another Mayan site with well preserved ruins of a walled city, remnants, relics and frescoe murals. There is also the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Teotihuacan, with large pyramids, including the largest built in pre-Columbian America and a large residential complex.

To explore Mexico City is an unforgettable experience with its diversity and the many attractions of offer. Here you will find the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, La Zona Rosa and museums filled with archeological treasures. The city also houses the Plaza de Toros México, the world’s largest bullring, and the Mexican National Palace. Now the centre of business, culture and government, the city was once the centre of the Aztec Empire. The current Zócalo or town square is built on the same spot as Montezuma’s Palace and many of the old buildings in the area were built hundreds of years ago using the stones from the temples.

Whatever time you choose to visit, you will have a fantastic time in Mexico!

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