Pancake Day in London

Raise money for charity
The coldest time of the year is now!!!So what else we can do than wrap ourselves in hot blankets next to fireplace and put on some weight spoiling ourselves with delicious food…that’s why London held Pancake Day… with a range of sweet and savoury pancakes to please every palate. Whether it’s free pancakes, gourmet crepes or simply the spectacle of watching runners make an exhibition of themselves, you’re sure to find something of interest around the city.

So, if you are bored of your life in your own country, go to London, which is a city that never stops surprising Londoners and foreigners. There is still time, on 21st of February, and don’t get me wrong, is not all about eating pancakes, there’s a long tradition of pancake races in London. Participants have to toss pancakes in a frying pan while completing the course. The races often raise money for charity. And if you don’t feel like a racer, you can still cheer the runners up , while eating delicious pancakes.

It’s actually not a joke, behind all that is a real tradition, known as Shrove Tuesday, when families used up ingredients such as milk and eggs before fasting during Lent. Nowadays when no one rally have a time for anything, we prefer to stock up on the essentials specially for the occasion or head outdoors to enjoy the series of Pancake Day London. And let’s be honest, the pancakes or any dish taste so much better, if someone else has done the cooking!

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