Blue Lagoon Party

Iceland, mythical kingdom ruled by elves
They say, the warmth of every nation, depends of the climat, well i don’t know about the truth in that , if you get too much sun, that pretty much explains why are you so Latin, if you get too much snow and cold, it explains why are you so frigid and distant, but what if a small group of people having few hours of light during the day, how do you explain, why they are so warm and incredibly helpful? Iceland, a country is lying in the north Atlantic Ocean east of Greenland and just touches the Arctic Circle, by the way is one of the most volcanic regions in the world, with more than hundred volcanoes , from which only 35 are active, even if on average, Iceland experiences a major volcanic event once every 5 years, the main and most active is mount Hekla, which for the last time erupted back in 2000.

Apart the danger of volcanoes, iceland is very blessed with stunning nature, that you won’t find anywhere else, not even close to what this island can offer, the nature in here is unspoilt, exotic and mystical with its spouting geysers, active and not active volcanoes, tumbling waterfalls, marvellous mountains, lava deserts and sparkling iceberg-filled lagoons, and that’s not it, the summers have almost 24hrs daylight, even if during the winter is the opposite, once you step on this land, you feel a strong tranquility surrounding you, maybe that’s the reason why the inhabitants are so friendly, highly educated, sophisticated, attractive, honest, which let’s be honest is a very rare characteristic nowadays, and very modern at the same time. They won’t be rude, they won’t cross the line, will always be polite and very reserved, keeping a lot of warm feeling around them at the same time, they could never be impropriate and disturbing.

Throughout the year, Iceland’s capital Reykjavik hosts plenty events and festivals, and during October and November there is one Iceland Airwaves music festival, called also “the hippest long weekend on the annual music festival calendar” . This will be the 15th edition of the festival, where you will experience the most cutting edge acts and the most unique settings on earth become alive, all the music enthusiast will be there, mostly from Iceland and UK, many international and local lineups included, enjoy the Blue Lagoon party with Icelanders. Come to visit Iceland and you will be surprised how real this mythical kingdom ruled by elves actually is, a place, where the past meets the future, with a great symphony of ice, fire and wind.

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