Valencia all saint’s day

Spain beautiful city
Most of travellers think of Spain hearing stuff about Madrid and Barcelona, it seems like Valencia, which is Spain’s third biggest city has even left in the shadow. Madrid is the political capital and Barcelona has officially become country’s economic and cultural powerhouse, but no longer Valencia will be left as an outsider. Valencia is more ahead now with stunning public buildings, the marvellos Sir Norman Foster’s Palacio de Congresos, David Chipperfield’s award-winning Veles i Vents structure beside the inner port, and, on the grandest scale of all, the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencas, local boy made good by Santiago Calatrava.

Valencia offers everything and anything for any kind of travellers, music, painting, sculpture, cinema and theater, but one of the most outstanding festivals in the city during autumn is time for All Saint’s day, when plenty of agricultural and cattle fair are held since 1346. This tradition has more than 600 years, hosted at Region of Valencia, and attracting more than 350.000 people from all over Spain and also world.

All the farmers are welcome to show of their goods, and all the visitors are more than welcome to come and see, taste and buy, and having a great time, nowadays it has become established as a major showcase for traditional farming activities, crafts, farm machinery and means of automation.

It’s so much more than just a market selling veg and fruit from farmer gardens, it’s a whole new atmosphere, bringing together bunch of people, being just an excuse to get together. There will be concerts, crafts workshops, a book fair, exhibitions, choral contests, riding and dressage displays and so much more.

The event takes place during the week of All Saint’s Day , the 1st of November, it’s also a national holiday, being very important, cos people from all over the country return to their town or village to lay flowers on the graves of deceased relatives. Specially in the country side of Spain , this event is actually taken serious, there are religious days that mean quite so much to the ordinary people of Spain as this solemn festival, and this is one of those.

You will see roads around the cemeteries pretty crammed with traffic and flowers sellers lining the streets, for most of people in here, this day is of high emotion, remembering their beloved ones and lost ones.

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