Eastern Capital Tokyo

Infinite quality
Tokyo wasn’t always this huge metropolis with business running perfectly in, it started as a small castle town called Eda, after few decades it turned into this successful and one of the world’s most populous cities. It was still well known as Eda, when the Japanese imperial family was moved there from Kyoto. After it became Japan’s political center, it was renamed from Edo to Tokyo, which means Eastern Capital, and it really is. Although , back in 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake destroyed most of the parts of brand new capital, and later again air raids…but it quickly got back on its foot, as it always does…it bounced back…Japanese are hard working and deeply respectful people who have always earned everything with fair work!

Once again about Japanese, kind, friendly, extremely good mannered and full of respect for anyone, it just comes within the family, still not calling Koreans and Chinese living in here Japanese, it’s just their thing…and let it be! They have incredible sense of passion for anything new, the last Gucci, the last i phone, the last everything is what moves this city forward, they are very ahead with everything. Kampai!

They are the most balanced people living on earth, they do work hard, everyday, but once Friday arrives and the working is done, they also seem to enjoy the life, they take the pleasure as serious as work in here. Even Though they love everything new, when it come to entertainment, they know how to come back on basics and truly enjoy every bit of free time in old fashion ways…such as karaoke bars, which are extremely beloved and famous in here, you will see young people having picnics in parks and shots in bars.

There are so many different ways to love and to enjoy the life in here, and one big is Food! You will never taste so delicious sushi as in Tokyo, the secret? Only fresh ingredients in every restaurant, from noodles to creamy tuna, it becomes a real art once you eat in Tokyo, a true pleasure.

Tokyo hosts over 12 million people, and sometimes it gets to be called gorgeous ugly city, in a good way of course, it’s so diverse and different of what we are used to. Tall buildings, busy people, great restaurants, amazing shopping…from some of the best electronic sores to the designed clothing boutiques. Tokyo has everything you might need, and also many things you have never thought of to even exist…take it or leave it, you will love it anyway!

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