Finally, after months of blocks many countries open their borders. The main issue now is to be sure that the airlines that you choose to fly with will be working and will not give you a problem with your bags. We suggest to carry on the plane with you a small bag, normally 8kg max, that you will fill to the necessary for change in his first few days. Imagine of your bags not arrive on time and you will travel to a really hot place.
Many destinations are available now visiting.
In Europe, we suggest to visit London and Paris and don’t skip Rome.

If you search online you can find a super deal with buses and train that facing the competition with airlines try to offer special deal. Some of them offer a family/friend package with reduced tickets.
You may choose to travel to a closer destination in the same country, in Italy for example, you can use Rome as a base and travel by train to Napoli Amalfi Coast or Florence and Siena. In Spain you can go to Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. But if you would like to add more stamps on your passport or countries on your list, you can do Vienna in Austria, Prague in Czech Republic and Bratislava in Slovacchia, so three countries in one shot.

In Asia more destinations are available to welcome you as Indonesia, where you can visit the beautiful island of Bali, or Vietnam that has just opened to international tourists.

Japan is still complicated to go, but we hope that soon the border will open to visit this beautiful land full of history, culture and natural space.
You can visit the United States or Canada and many other countries in the American hemisphere.

Make sure that before applying for a visa or taking off you have all the documents that every country asks to enter.
In many countries, COVID-19 continues to limit tourism.
We wish you a nice trip…
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