The 10 most visited museums in the world, here is the ranking after the years of the pandemic. The numbers are growing all over the world.
All over the world there are more than 95,000 museums where we can admire precious works of art from past eras and which take us on a journey through the most ancient but also the most recent history.
After the difficult years of the pandemic, during which there were (obviously) very low numbers of visits to museums, today the numbers are growing again, with as many as 141 million visits recorded in 2022 in the top 100 most visited museums in the world.
This is an important figure, as it is exactly double the numbers recorded in 2021, but still far from the numbers recorded before the pandemic (in 2019).
But what were the most visited museums in the past year?
The ranking was drawn up by The Art Newspaper, an important newspaper dedicated to the art world. So let’s go and see which are the 10 most visited museums of 2022 around the world.
The 10 most visited museums of 2022
Among the most visited museums in 2022 according to the newspaper The Art Newspaper, in
10 place we find the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in the city center, with over 2 million and 800 thousand visits recorded last year.
9 place instead, we find the Center Pompidou in Paris, which houses the most important collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe and which recorded more than 3 million visits in 2022.
8 place, with over 3 million and 200 thousand visits, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,

while in 7 place we find the National Gallery of Art in Washington, with a total of visits slightly higher than the previous museum.
6 place goes to another Parisian museum, the Orsay Museum, where masterpieces by Cezanne, Monet, Renoir and Degas are kept.
5 place is the National Museum of Korea in Seoul, the sixth largest museum in the world, which recorded over 3 million and 400 thousand visits in 2022.
4 place for the Tate Modern in London, the British national gallery of modern art, with more than 3 million and 800 thousand visitors in 2022.
The Louvre still in first place

immediately after another London museum, the British Museum, which stops in 3 place with over 4 million visitors.
Having reached the top of the rankings, there are still two museums that have always been at the top of the rankings: the Vatican Museums and the Louvre.

With over 5 million visitors, the Vatican Museums win second place, Italy’s flagship in Vatican City, which preserves over 70,000 works of art, including the magnificent Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel where you can admire the Last Judgment by Michelangelo and many other masterpieces.
Once again in first place therefore, with over 7 million and 700 thousand visitors, we find the Louvre, a museum in the heart of Paris and a symbol of France. Here you will find over 35,000 works on public display, including some masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance including La Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci, but also works by Raphael, Titian and Botticelli.
In this museum therefore, visits were certainly not lacking last year, quite the contrary. Overcrowding is becoming a problem, so much so that the famous French museum is considering reducing the number of visitors.