Color the country in Green
Ou yes, we all know Irish great bears and their festive traditions, countless pubs on every corner. It happened to me, to live in this country for quite long period, and I still remember having shock going to work at 7am, seeing some old fellers trying to find their way out of the pub with reddish blue nose:) They do know how to celebrate and once they do, there is no way someone will leave the party sober , that’s just the way they do, there is nothing bad, they are very calm and friendly.And why am I talking about that? Because Saint Patrick’s Festival is just knocking the door, the great parade which takes place annually at midday on 17 March starting from Parnell Square, down O’Connell Street, and ending up by the Cathedral.
That’s a big time for all the pubs and bars to be wide open to celebrate and make a great money, because Irish love to celebrate as I mentioned before. Hundreds of thousands of locals and visitors alike take part in the 5 days of festivities which engulf the capital in March every year. Alongside the parade, you’ll find a fairground, music festival, comedy shows, special filings and family activities.
Just few will leave the country to use the 5days holiday, most of them will stay to color the country in Green. Most of what is known about St Patrick, comes from his two works; the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and his Epistola, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish Christians, and maybe that’s enough, all we need to know that is a special time for Irish, many visitors come specially this time to celebrate with them. You will see parade, lots of food, DRINKS and colored costumes! GREEN is their Collor!