City of Angels

Charming mess of Los Angeles
The city of Angels, the queen of the angels that’s how it originally was translated, El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles di Porciuncula, it was named in honor of the shrine to the Virgin Mary, Santa Maria degli Angeli or Our Lady of the Angels, from a native village in Italy…Los Angeles was a piece of gold in eyes of many countries, after 1821 when Spain lost its hold on the territory to Mexico, during Mexican American War LA became a part of United States.

Nowadays Los Angeles is the most crowded city in California, and second most inhabited in US right after New York. California has an incredible climate,attracting people from all over the planet, tourists and businessmen, it’s port is one of the busiest in the States, oil business and citrus fruit industry was discovered long time ago, and it continues as a great business. LA is a major hub of shipping, manufacturing, industry, finances and also number one in the fields of communications, finance and entertainment, and is world-renowned in the entertainment and communications fields.

LA is pretty much a mess, crowds of people running checking their cell phones, managing business meetings and worrying about the latest gossip, who has become or came out as a guy, which is almost impossible to escape in the city of fame and movie stars. you will meet travelers , looking for the best hot dog in the town, than there are a real dreamers, it’s a city that never stops, it’s literally a mashup of culture, cuisine, palms ,malls pubs, museums, it’s a total chaos, where you would love to be involved.

The most common question that you will hear before the famous ” what’s your name”, will be “where are you from?” you will be surprised how many people from diverse Worlds you will meet, everyone feels important and famous, sometimes it’s even confusing, you never know if they are crazy or for real ,you never ask what to do in here, the only question will be, where to begin.

Whenever you are looking for the famous spots or simply for art museums and galleries, parks or beaches, in the night endless concerts and nightclubs will entertain you, LA will be anything you like, except boring. The best thing about La is that you can get anything you like in any hour, with a great choice of diverse nations and possibilities, it’s a region of great diversity.

If you are wondering,what’s the classic dish in LA, nobody would be able to answer that, or some would say Hot Dog, which absolutely is not,it might be the best in the world in here…as there are endless nation living in the city of Angels, there are also many things to chose from, it’s like be thrown in the time machine exploring each country.

From Thai curries to patch tacos, while the city is long-renown for its top ethnic eats. Great steak is definitely not a option, it’s Must!!! Dining in LA like doing any other things will be a great experience, from the easiest to the finest Los Angeles restaurants. Come and enjoy the city of Angels!

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