Brick Lane Market

Vintage clothing in Barcelona
The catalans have endless enthusiasm for parties and fiestas, in fact , their life is impossible without celebrations, they are probably one of the most happiest people on earth, they don’t think about tomorrow, all that matters it’s what happens now, and actually that’s a way of life we all should keep on going. In Barcelona events jump on each other, there are few at the same date, so you could find it difficult to choose one, bunch of religious and very old fashioned events all around the city, all of which spotlight what makes Catalonia unique, they know how to make the old ones modern again, devils dancing and brandishing tridents that spout fireworks on the streets, but that’s just a little part of daily Barcelona.

Barcelona offers more than you can imagine and possibly expect, sun rich beaches, the coastline is so long, that you can easily go with a bicycle or jog, and the view will be marvellous, from out on the water while kayaking, windsurfing or taking it easy on a sunset cruise, or simply enjoy it while sitting on the beach. There is no need for specific events or festivals to attend, Barcelona has it charms anyways, everywhere you go.

Barcelona is known as one of the European cities with most markets in it, each single neighborhood has at least one, popular for their colorful displays, located in most historic places with historic building or modern design: the Boqueria, Santa Caterina and Sant Antoni. People in Barcelona like to dress vintage, so there are many special markets, with great deals and with everything from street clothing to chic designer clothes, one of the most famous is the Brick Lane BCN market, located in the heart of El Raval , it has become the most trendy in Barcelona, right in the old historic part of the city, a very alive and multicultural area.

Barcelona Lane market is a pop up vintage market, that every year changes location, it’s chaotic, bustling artistic hub attracting all kind of people from all over the world. Vintage clothing in Barcelona has become more popular than ever, they have borrowed this style from Londoners, clothes from 50’s, 60’s and 70’s…they have taken this market tradition from London, and now it’s every yeasr also in Barcelona, a Brick Lane Market, it’s just an extra event for Barcelona, a city that will never let you to “rest”, there will be always new things to do and to discover, that’s what we call great travel destination.

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