Trick or Treat in New York

Halloween with costumes and some horror movie
A straddling time between fall and winter, a time, when everyone gets a bit of melancholy, about the summer, that has ended, about the winter that is about to come, about leafs that are falling, and giving you that feeling that something beautiful has just ended, it’s a time when back in pagan times people would light up bonfires and would wear costumes to ward off ghosts, it’s halloween. Nowadays being a very awaited and great event, a simple reason to have a party, dress up and have some sweets…for some it’s still something Saint, when they would prefer to light a candle, in honor of their lost ones. But we have to admit that in last few years, Halloween has become BIG, celebrating in more countries than ever before, even if most of them don’t have this tradition and elder people still wouldn’t get what is all about, and the reason why is simple, it’s fun, good, harmless for young and old alike.

United States is actually number one of the celebration, also one of the first to have this tradition, halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October around the world, in usa usually this night is celebrated in family, with friends or sometimes co workers, adults might just stay in watching horror movies, but for younger it’s real fun, holding costume parties or creating haunted houses or graveyards, many kids would go around the neighborhood, asking for sweets , snacks and small gifts, if they can’t get anything , they will threaten to do some harm to the inhabitants of the house, it’s called “trick or treat”, but that’s all in a friendly spirit, well, some of the kids could get a little bit more excited, and really getting upset 🙂 With Halloween comes also charity in United States, UNICEF, when some of the kids might carry small cardboard boxes with the UNICEF logo on them and collect coins instead of the usual candy.

Even if roots of Halloween are originated to Northern Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, USA is number one to celebrate it, it’s not an official holiday, but the spirit is definitely high all day long, many discos are opened specially for Halloween, plenty of private parties are held in houses and schools, a time to relax and pretend to be someone else, without being judged…Immigrants from Scotland have brought this tradition to US, even if it supposed to be all about spirits and a time to make a contact with the physical world, somehow it has been forgotten and now it’s all about costumes and partying heavily.

The best place to be during this holiday, is the city that never sleeps, NY of course, that has tons of Halloween events, for every age,every taste and style, some of the favorite are Procession of the Ghouls and some haunted hotels and bars. So get yourself a pumpkin, fake spiders, bunch of sweets to not be threatened by children, costumes and some horror movie and celebrate the way you like, but do not forget for a second to think about the lost souls all around the world, who are out there, looking for some peace…

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