Magic of Washington
The spring has officially arrived, a time when everyone is waking up, the human come up with brand new ideas, goals and bunch of energy, and the nature does the same, but in a most beautiful way it possible can, it blossoms! every year Washington attracts visitors from all over the world for its National Cherry Blossom Festival, this year from the last week of March until the 12th of April.It’s pretty hard to predict the first cherry blossom peak bloom, but they are hoping to see the mothers nature’s masterpiece sometime between the 11th and the 14th of April, so prepare yourself. For more than 100 years, cherry blossom has made the spring time of Washington magical. As we all know the most beautiful blossom comes from Japan, when there are literally cherry skies above you.
Back in 1912 Japanese sent to United State of America 3.020 cherry trees as a gift of friendship, so the First lady planted the first two trees on the bank of Tidal Basin. Those two trees that started all the beauty as a symbol are still standing there near by the John Paul Jones statue, later on they have planted cherry trees all around the Tidal Basin and East Potomac Park.
If you ask , how to avoid the crowds and when is the best time to get there, Never, there are crowds all over the city, that’s the best part of it, it’s like a group tour through the spring magicland with beautiful views! The best parts to see the magic are around the already mentioned Tidal Basin area, in the West Potomac Park, in the East Potomac Park and the grounds of the famous Washington Monument.