As the winds of war blow stronger, two Italian associations, Colors for Peace and Peace Run Italy, are promoting, for the seventh consecutive year, a message of peace from children around the world. They are the innocent victims of every conflict, expressing their rejection of war through drawings from 248 nations. Colors for Peace, despite its English name, is an authentic Italian association born in one of the places that inspired our Constitution, Sant’Anna di Stazzema, whose memory of the tragic massacre of August 12, 1944, should be the main deterrent to future conflicts. Peace Run, on the other hand, has distant roots, inspired by the Indian poet and religious figure Sri Chinmoy and based on non-violence. Both organizations emphasize that peace begins within us.

The event, as every year, will take place at the Colosseum to give the children’s works an important showcase. The Director of the Colosseum Archaeological Park understood this and granted the space in 2018. An important intuition that has led to interest in the event from media around the world over the years. The peak came in 2019 when the main global networks covered the event, combining it with the ringing of the Peace Bell by the UN Secretary-General at the headquarters in New York. The effect was immediate, becoming the fourth most viewed news on the web that day.

This year’s exhibition will be inaugurated by the President of the Capitolina Assembly, Svetlana Celli, while in the morning there will be a ceremony with institutions and embassies at Europe Experience-David Sassoli, the Roman representative office of the European Parliament and Commission.

An event that would deserve a great celebration like the one in 2019 in the Colosseum arena with the Carabinieri band playing the Italian anthem and the one in 2023 at the Temple of Venus with the diplomatic corps lined up on stage. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. The two associations, despite their noble intentions, do not have sufficient budgets and are always struggling. But their will leads them to do extraordinary things like the recent Colors for Peace exhibitions at the Paris Olympics and the G7 Young in Friuli.

Many people have approached the Associations with voluntary actions. Among these, a special mention to Daniel Salvi who with his art manages to create unique and special graphics for each event.
We look forward to seeing you all at Colosseo Via Sacra on September 21st at 3:00 pm.