
capital of Bavaria
Munich, the capital of Bavaria, was once the most visited city in Germany. That’s why today, most of what is considered to be German is really Bavarian. Germans don’t really wear lederhosen, the Bavarians do (lederhosen = leather pants, see picture). Beer gardens, yodeling, drinking beer from 1L mugs for breakfast, big pretzels� those are all Bavarian traditions!

Many travelers start their first day in other cities searching for a beer hall to enjoy those famous German sausages washed down with a beer bigger than their own head. They are then disappointed by the locals who inform them that Munich is where they need to be for that experience.

This city, however, has much more to offer than beer gardens and men in funny leather pants. It is home to the most popular technical museum in the world and to some of the world’s finest art collections and orchestras. Munich is also a popular destination for the world’s most popular pop performers.

In the past few years, there have been many additions and improvements made to Munich’s hostel landscape, thereby transforming into one of the top backpacker destinations in Europe. It’s also an easy city to get around without knowing any German. Using the few words of German you picked up in a guidebook usually brings a flattered smile to local faces, but don’t be offended when they respond in English anyway.

Another thing that makes Munich so great for backpackers is the “Free Tour” offered by New Munich Tours. It quickly became known as one of the most entertaining and informational tours in Europe. If you get a chance to come check out Munich, one of the world’s great cities, be sure to stop by and see us.

Happy Travels!

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