
Since pickpocketing is generally a problem in big cities, we would like to give you some travelling advice, so that you hopefully will get a fantastic trip with no complications.

In big cities like for example Rome, where the streets, metros and busses are filled with people and of course tourists, it will be like heaven for pickpockets, so be careful.

The typical tricks are accessible handbags or big pockets, as it is very easy for thieves to grab things if you for example are standning in a crowded bus, because you can’t feel it, and no other around you will notice it.


– Never keep valueable things in your pockets

– care your back with caution, and remember to keep it closed.

– Never place it without still holding it, within seconds it can be gone.

– Have always your values like passport and money on you if possible.

Be aware of people bumbing into you, or asking you questions, this can be some kind of distraction.

Living in a big city, you will get used to it, and take your precautions, but comming as a tourist, you might not think of it, if where you come from, this is not that big of a deal.

So, have a nice trip, and take care out there!!

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