April 21th 2006

Anniversary of Rome
Another year has passed,already 2759, wow!, and the city of Rome become a year older. But nothing changes,the city still stands with all its amazing historical remainings.

Back in time this was a day of celebration, but today nothing special is done to indicate the founding of Rome that supposely have taken place in the year 753 BC.

Traditionally, it is said that the founders of Rome was Romulus,twinbrother to Remus, and they were apperaing in the Roman mythology, as
beeing the brothers nursed and raised by a shewolf. But, the calculations of this founding was initiaed by Varro, a scolar and writer that later was known as “the most learned of all the Romans”.

They were originally both supposed to rule the new city, but could not agree on the possition. To settle their argument, they both sat down, and Remus saw six vultures ( consideres to be sacred to their father Mars). but Remulus aaw twelve, and thereby won.

Not only did Remulus give name to the city, named after him self, but he also served as the first king, and created the Roman Legions and the Roman Senate, as well as adding citizens to his new city. That was done by abducting woman from the neighboring Sabine tribes, which then maked the Roman people a mix of original Romans as well as Sabines. The 21th of April is supposely the day where Romulus began digging the trench for the future city wall of Rome.

Throughout time, the anniversary have been celabrated in different ways. At a time the celebration became part of imperial propaganda, and later on there were made special coins to mark the celebration day as well.

For all tourist and roma’s resident it will be the 2759 anniversary….
Rome today is not old but a mature city, where people enjoy life, sun, food, and the beauty of the city.

To remind you some beauty:
Colosseo Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia, Piazza del Popolo, the Spanish steps, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Barberini, Vatican city and lots lots more…

To celebrate, the city is full of many exiting sights and events on this day. So use the opportunity of exploring the beauties of ROme.

Buon Compleanno ROMA.

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