Summer Time Barcelona

21 June 2008
The 21st of June, aka the summer solstice, will see the start of Summer and the beginning of backpacking season. Thousands of students from all over the world will pack their bags and secure plane and train tickets to take them to destinations all over the globe.

The phenomenon of the summer solstice occurs when the tilt of the earth’s axis is most oriented toward or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to reach its northernmost and southernmost extremes, giving us more daylight than any other day of the year (depending on where in the world you are!).

The solstice is a day that has seen many customs and traditions throughout the ages. In modern times it is a day where people dust the cobwebs off their bathing suits and head to the beach for an extra long day of fun in the sun!

If you’re already on the road traveling why not make the most of those extra minutes of daylight and check out any festivities that might be taking place in the city that you are staying in. Summer solstice parades are taking place in Santa Barbara and Fremont in Californa, USA as well as in the city of Yellowknife, Canada, where a solstice festival will see numerous performers take to the stage.
So get out and get partying because summer is officially here!

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