Prague June 2008

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It’s Prague aplenty this month in the Czech capital with three festivals running until the end of June. First up is ‘Tanec Praha’ , or Dance Prague, a major dance festival celebrating all types of dance, but with a particular emphasis on contemporary and international dance. Competitors flock to Prague from around the world hoping to win prizes in various categories, ranging from jazz, contemporary and folk, to mention but a few, as well as more specific choreography and performance competitions. Upcoming events include performances from Wu Chun-Hsien and Chrystel Guillebeaud with a piece inspired by the reactions and behaviour of small children, as well as the last chance of this year’s festival to partake in a question and answer session with some choreographers of the festival. Check out for information on events and tickets.

Elsewhere in the city, Prague theatre hosts a wide variety of shows and operas. Prague’s theatre is typically a highly visual affair, and this month is no different. Main events this month include a breath-taking adaptation of Goethe’s Faust -expect exhilarating dance routines, fantastic visual effects and dramatic music. A feast for all the senses.

For the more classically inclined, Mozart’s Don Giovanni returns to the city of its debut, playing at the National Marionette Theatre . One of the most famous womanisers of all time appears now as never before-as an overgrown puppet dressed in full eighteenth century costume! Well worth a look, check out for further details.

Meanwhile, Cinema Strelak is an outdoor theatre located on Strelecky Island, below Legion’s Bridge and just opposite the National Theatre. Throughout the summer numerous films are shown nightly. Most are in Czech with English subtitles, although the occasional English movie has been known to sneak its way onto the schedule! Entry costs 100ckz, although various discounts are available. has full details.

While in Prague, don’t forget to make full use of the backpacker’s best friend-the hostel! See our list of Prague hostels for somewhere to stay during your stop in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

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