Guy Fawkes Nov. 5th

London extravagance news
Although it has been over 400 years since the execution of Guy Fawkes, his memory is still alive and well in London. Every year on November 5th, Londoners set off massive amounts of fireworks in celebration of the foiled plot of Guy Fawkes and four other conspirators to blow up Westminster and kill King James I. Packing barrels of gun powder in the cellar beneath Westminster, with the goal of overthrowing Parliament, turned out to not be the best idea for Guy Fawkes. He ended up getting caught in the cellar, tortured and eventually executed.

Today, the Guy Fawkes celebration is more of an excuse to drink, eat and use explosives than anything else. Fairground rides and lots of family fun are also going on all over London in honor of the notorious pyro technician. The grand finale is Lord Mayor’s Show where a half ton of fireworks are set off in just a half hour.
For more information on this extravaganza visit

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