National Samba Day Dec. 2nd

Rio de Janeiro Hostels
National Samba Day will be going on December 2nd in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since 1962, National Samba day has brought together people from across the spectrum. This celebration is a tribute to samba and it’s pioneers. During the 1920’s, samba was forbidden in the city and the only way for early samba lovers to enjoy the music and dancing was on the last train from Rio’s Central Station to Oswaldo Cruz.

Oswaldo Cruz was home to many of samba’s creators and today, the National Samba day parade and “samba trains” leave from Rio’s Central Station and end at historical Oswaldo Cruz. Individually themed samba schools, organized by neighborhood, take over the streets with the steady beat of drums and vibrant array of color.

Music and costumes are carefully selected by each school in order to fallow a specific theme such as historic event or native legend. This cultural event should not be missed!

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