Rome Christmas Market December 08′

Delicious Piazza Navona!
Piazza Navona becomes a huge Christmas market in December with stands selling nativity figures, Christmas treats, and toys. For the kids there’s a merry-go-round and Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, shows up for photos, too.

To top it all, on 6 January the Befana herself comes along to hand out presents!

There are various events in and around the square throughout the Christmas period.

You can visit Santa Claus and parents can wander around in the happy and expectant holiday atmosphere of the market, taking in the sights and smells, munching biscotti, torrone and other Christmas delicacies and generally taking a break from hectic Christmas preparations.

Visiting the market also provides you with the opportunity to see some of Rome’s famous and spectacular fountains, including the Fountain of the Moor and the Fountain of Neptune, which stands at the northern end of the square. Certainly one of Rome’s more worthwhile sights, even in winter!

For sure Chrismas is an interesting time to visit Rome and Piazza Navona as well!

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