The road of contemporary art
10 – 12 October 2008
The Road to Contemporary Art – together with the Municipality Department of Culture and the Superintendence for Cultural heritage organize a new rendezvous for Contemporary Art: ROMA, 10 – 12 october.

ROMA ART WEEKEND will be a celebration of Rome Contemporary Art, an event which will involve 70 venues from Contemporary Art Galleries to museums. These sites will open on the 10th and 11th October until midnight with vernissages, cocktails, meetings with artists and performances.

ROMA ART WEEKEND will be a great chance to remember everybody that attention to Contemporary Art in Rome is still alive and kicking and always full of new opportunities.

With the Rome Art Weekend, for two nights, the capital will turn into an out-and-out circuit of images and ideas, along whose road will walk a public made of collectors, Art experts and newbies. Tens of venues, galleries, museums will open their doors to satisfy experience and curiosity of all visitors. The Council for Culture and Communication of Rome has supported this event with the sure wish that Rome can finally be a city for creative powers, a testing ground and an ongoing lab for Contemporary Art which is called to mark its first stroke.

Zètema Progetto Cultura has organized special museum’s openings. On Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th the following museums will extend their opening hours until midnight:

Museo di Roma in Trastevere (with the exhibition “Lisette Model e la sua scuola. Fotografie 1937 – 2002”); Museo dell’Ara Pacis (with the anthological exhibition “Bruno Munari”); Museo Carlo Bilotti (with the exhibition “The Big Bang”) and MACRO in Via Reggio Emilia (with Ernesto Neto’s special project expressly conceived for MACRO HALL, a big installation which takes up the whole space).

Furthermore on Friday the 10th of October from 3.30pm to 6.30 pm there are special free guided tours at the construction site of MACRO – via Reggio Emilia 54 (prior booking essential at ph. 39 06 0608, groups of maximum 15 p.).

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