The Festival of La Salute, 21st of November 2009

Venice, Italy
One of the most important religious festivals in Venice is called The Festival of La Salute. It takes place in remembrance of the end of 1630’s plague. The church, Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, was built in thanks to the end of the plague and is still one of the most famous churches in Venice.

The festival has been celebrated since 1687, an oath was sworn (by the Doge reigning at the time) in appreciation to the Virgin. Ever since, a grand parade has taken the journey from Piazza San Marco to the church. A bridge made especially for the event every year is used to cross the canal. The festival takes place on the 21st of November and thousands of people still take a trip to the church every year to light a candle. In tradition, Gondoliers also have the opportunity to take their oars to be blessed.

There’s plenty more to do over the festival as you’ll find markets and quaint stalls selling a variety of items from delicious pastries (frittelle), hand-made toys and religious candles.

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