The Cape Town Minstrel Carnival

District 6 – January 2 2011 South Africa
The Cape Minstrel Carnival otherwise known by the locals as “Kaapse Klopse” it is the largest and most colorful carnival, held annually on the 2nd of January; it celebrates the New Year with amazing dances, competitions and extravagant parades.

Kicking off in District 6 (one of the most historically relevant areas in all of South Africa), this Tweede Nuwe Jaar (2nd New Year) attracts thousands of brightly costumed banjo-strumming minstrels, over 169 various locals groups participate bringing instruments, bright umbrellas, dancing and singing.

Historically there is a belief that the carnival was originally inspired by a group of African-American minstrels who docked in Cape Town in the late 1800’s and began entertaining the local the sailors with their soulful musical performances. Another theory is that the travelling minstrels were actually white and painted their faces black the painted faces seen today!

The party then continues with various events and mini-festivals held throughout the month of January in the city centres of Bo-Kaap and Greenpoint.

This is an amazing opportunity if you are visiting Cape Town to experience some authentic local culture and traditions, the people are friendly and welcome all those who come to revel in their excitement, and welcome in a fantastic new year.

District 6 divided into 3 parts and is situated in the bowl of Cape Town city centre.

Cape Town is a major city that is accessible via air and sea.

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