Eastern Capital Tokyo

populous metropolis
The worlds most populous metropolis, is it familiar to you? Of course it’s Japan’s capital Tokyo. A city where life moves very fast, there is no time to stop and take a breath, because so much is going on, full of energy and obsession to know everything whats new, that seems to make all ideas quickly obsolete.

Tokyo offers unlimited choice of shopping, culture and never ending entertainment. Countless museums and historic temples and gardens, also many green spaces in the city, which is not very commune in capital cities.

If we look back in Japan’s history back in 1868 it was known as Edo, with the ruler of Japan shifts – Meiji Restoration. Edo is renamed as “Tokyo (Tokio),” meaning “Eastern Capital,” as ordered by Emperor Meiji. In 1869 Emperor moves to Tokyo to make the Imperial Palace, Tokyo Castle. As from the beginning Kyoto was the capital, it was never legally transferred to Tokyo, and some people still believe that’s a capital today.

Tokyo has a population of 12 million, it took a long road to become a city as it is today. The early Tokyoites lived as a fishers and food gatherers, and benefited from the rich marshland, now Tokyo Bay rose just to cover the valley where Tokyo is now. By AD 300 the country was more or less a unified nation, with its own culture and traditions, although after Roman Empire reclined, Tokyo was still a sleeping fishing village for another thousand years.

But don’t think that Tokyo is only for shopping and electronics, there is a very traditional side of this town, that only rare one will see. It might me not evident immediately, but so many traditional things of this hyperurban cosmopolis. It has its own special vitality. It’s a location where a large number of world-class institutions of higher education are, the highest concentration of universities in Japan.

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