Festa del Cioccolato, Roma

Your time to fully live out
Once in a while something spectacular happens in Italy..for you, without insight in the importance of food, dinner, and everything around it and the so called “food-parties” in Italy, let me tell you, this is a big, big deal! So big that the Italians celebrate more or less every kind of fruit, salami, dish and veggie that ever been cooked with a party!

Everyone is invited and the party is a..hell of party so to speak! There’s often long rows of stalls full of the foodie of the party, competitions, music and entertainment! I’ve visited quite a few myself, like the artichokes-party and the ice cream-party..Last mentioned was very, very nice! At the artichokes-party they even had a beauty competition..not, that I understand what beauty has to do with the rather ugly looking artichokes..But hey, whenever there’s some kind of party i Italy, it has to be some beauty too!

Ok so, back to the Ice cream party, this was held in Firenze. Yup, beauty and food goes hand in hand apparently..It was a amazing party for all ice cream-cravers..Now you might wonder why I’m all crazy loco about these parties.

But listen to this, if you are one of the lucky ones visit Rome this weekend, I have a real treat for ya! In the area Trastevere, something awesome is happening between the 30th of November to the 4th of December and it’s spelled Chocolate! Yay! For all you chocolate-lovers out there, this is your time to fully live out the 5th sin – gluttony! Be a smart-ass and go undercover, make some innocent “Christmas-gift-shopping” and fill your belly with all the free samples! No but seriously, this is a good time to find some of these gifts for Christmas and enjoy the time while doing it. Why not some high quality sweets for grandma?! It’s a win-win-situation!

You’ll find the real deal here, the queen-bee of chocolate, there will be chocolate artisans offering you this and that. I’ve even heard there will be chocolate-workshops…Is this heaven or what!? I will be there for shizzle. Will you!? And hey, it’s on Piazza Sidney Sonnino in Trastevere by the way..Between 30th of November until the 4th of December, from 10am – midnight daily! See you there…

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