Neapolitan Crib December

Traditional figurines
Visiting Italy on Christmas? Great idea, Naples, even better…it seems to be a paradise, you can not imagine what the town looks like during this period, plus plenty markets, one of the is very famous,. Called Neapolitan Crib, it was invented to describe the tradition, which would represent a world of its own. Naples is considered as one of the best cities in Italy to visit for Nativity Cribs.

Let’s just have a look, what Naples can offer us on Christmas and before the big celebrations, first of all it’s already famous for its production of Christmas cribs and figurines. They say, that the craftsmen of Naples do not just make traditional figurines but include contemporary characters in their cribs and this year, inevitably, you will see figurines of Silvio Berlusconi and the model “Ruby”. It’s so much fun for everyone, from serious to funny figures, which can become a part of Christmas presents.

They work all year long to show all the work on December in these markets, and the atmosphere, in via San Gregorio Armeno sometimes even called Crib Street, becomes so special. You will be surprise to see thousands of figurines stocking in Crib market, if your intention is not to buy, be welcome to just have a look, which doesn’t cost anything, this year 2011 the market is open from the 5th of December until the 28th. Christmas is coming. And if you plan to bring some Italian festive cheer into your home, now is the time to plan your trip and Naples should be part of it!

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