Harbin Ice Sculpture

International Competition, Chinatown district
December is the coldest month of the year, suppose to be full of snow, so people make all out of it, starting with ice ranks, ice hotels, ice sculptures and ice cities. There is no end of the the fun of snow, it brings joy to kids and also to adults, unless someone is just not into snow, those ones who prefers celebrate Christmas time in Hawaii beach sipping cocktail, let them be there and enjoy themselves, but those ones who truly knows whats snow and how much fun it brings with it, let me take you to impressive Ice LAntern Festival in Haerbin Bingdengjie. Harbis is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, and this festival attracts hundreds of thousands of local people and tourists from all over the world.

Harbin makes the most of its freezing winters , huge ice blocks are carved into sculptures and buildings are lit from within to create the glittering Ice and Snow World. so beautiful taht it will take your breath away, as the dark takes over, the huge sculpture are lighted up in electric blue, pink and other rainbow colors, its a really cold there, try to touch them and and your hand will become really dry, it´s like that feeling when you touch the door metal part with your tounge, ouchhh how much it hurts, you have to see that with your own eyes to enjoy the ice and snow sculpting in progress.

The Harbin International Ice Sculpture Competition is held every year, back over the river on Sun Island is its snowy sister.The sculptors are realprofessionals, they will build out anything from a huge piece of ice or snow, from chilled-out restaurants to marble-smooth Buddha statues. As Harbin is located near Russian border , providing icy temperatures, do not forget to get dressed very well, you might become a part of one of the ice sculptures.

It starts every year from early January until late February, so plenty of time to visit it, you will make a brilliant pictures, and it´s something you can not experience often. This year it will be the 28th HArbin International Ice and Snow Festival, you will experience the best collections of ice artworks, exhibited in five main places: Harbin Ice and Snow World, Ice Lantern Garden Party, Sun Island Scenic Area, Yabuli International Ski Resort and final Zhaolin Park.

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