Fashion week in Buenos Aires

Bringing together finest clothing designers
This is the time, when all the world is in carnival mood, specially South America, but there is something more special going on in Buenos Aires this time, it’s Buenos Aires Fashion Week – at La Rural. It starts in 28th of February until 2nd of March, the autumn/winter collections by well-known local and international brands and independent designers in catwalk. You probably will, ask why winter, do not forget that in there is summer now, so all is up side down.

So if you are in Europe, and want to have amazing holiday in beautiful country with great weather, go to Buenos Aires, plus you will enjoy the Fashion Week, we are used to hear Milan, Paris and NY for the fashion, Buenos Aires might not be the most obvious design capital in the world, it racks up loads of points for originality and style, and Palermo is the BA fashion Mecca for boutiques, market stalls, second-hand stores and street vendors flogging their creative wares.

You can expect different fashion-related exhibitions and more than 40 showrooms full of beautiful clothes. Sounds great, huh? Also , there will be limited space to enter in these catwalk areas, so hurry up to get the tickets and enjoy Buenos Aires fashion week. The BAF Week takes place at Palermo’s La Rural, this amazing show will bring together Argentina’s finest clothing designers under one roof. Don’t miss!

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