English cinema in Rome

Nuovo Olimpia
Film festival has ended in Rome city, at least for now, all the attention is on Christmas decorations,concerts and shopping..but what to do apart those few things, while visiting Rome? Doesn’t matter you are a tourist or just moved to Rome, there is this question , where to go to the cinema in this ancient city, which barley speaks English.

It might seem a bit strange that Italy is one of the top 3 travel destination is the world, and still, they wont understand you most of the time that you spend in this country, unless you are in Rome , Milan or any other tourist city, restaurants and….that’s it, I realized it last week going through the shops, where found many foreigner costumers in difficulty asking things, and Italians answering Italian, also in the places like Train Station…weird, and the cinema in original language is a rare thing to find as well. Consider that all the movies in Italian TV or cinema are translated, there is not a word in English.

Countless cinemas in Rome, small ones , big ones, expensive, cheap, but there is just one good one in original language, called Nuovo Olimpia, the movie theatre, just between the Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Venezia, just off of Via del Corso, the main shopping street in the heart of Rome, the prices are great,weekends 8 euro and during the week 6 euro in the afternoon, and 8 euro at the evening. Enjoy your Roman holidays in Rome maybe heading to one of the coolest cinemas Adriano, Piazza Cavour, in Italian though…

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