Spanish steps, Trinita dei Monti

Perfect auditorium for people
Rome is one of the greatest masterpieces ever made, everything here is worth to see and not be missed…and once spring comes, there is nothing more enjoyable to wonder around the narrow streets of the ancient capital…

Spanish steps are truly stunning, and more warm it gets, more tourists will be sitting on the beautiful stairs, enjoying sun and jumping back in time machine, where the most beautiful women and men of Italy gathered here, waiting to be chosen as an artist’s model back in 18th of century.

But don’t look too excited, even if it seems like a perfect place to sit and have a picnic, it’s not allowed, carabinieri will go hard on you about it, it’s all about keeping the place pristine after the major cleanup and restoration in 1995-1996.

Spanish Stems is more than just a case of stairs, it’s one of the most famous images in the world, as well as being one of the most majestic urban monuments of Roman Baroque style, attracting wondering tourists and artists, surrounded by beautiful hotels, shops and views.

March is the time when the stunning staircase will be decorated by some of the nicest flowers to set up the spring atmosphere around the piazza. It comes with the Mostra delle Azalee festival, even if it’s pretty amazing itself, the vivid pink, white and purple azaleas will make it even better.

Climb the stairs and have a stunning view to all over Rome, the dome of St Peter’s Basilica and the boat-shaped fountain located at the base of the Spanish Steps.

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