Jerusalem is a spiritual centre

Tthree great monotheistic faiths
They say, all you need is to believe in something of someone, and here it is the holiest city in the world, Jerusalem, where three different religious live and breathe next to each other, Christians would quietly pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,Muslims will have their Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Jews would just dance it away next to the Western Wall…That’s how diverse and unite actually this city is…

People have been exploring, visiting, crying and writing about it forever, about its 3000 year history, its secrets and believe, with three greatest faiths living in it for centuries, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, so imagine how strong it actually is! Even if you are an average tourist not looking for anything special, not believing in anyone but yourself, it’s still hard to be in this city and not to be swept up in the emotional tide.

The capital of Israel is situated next to the Dead Sea and the Jordan River, city’s main industries are tourism and construction of houses, Dead Sea is the pearl of the country, with countless health centers where people come to heal from all over the world. Jerusalem is everything, the religious, educational, cultural and also market center of the country.

But that’s not it, manufactures include also cutting and polishing diamonds, plastics and clothing… you will just love the bazaar in this city and its architecture in which labyrinths you will definitely get lost. The old town is surrounded by relics of ancient and modern times, all in one.

The word Foodie is unknown for Israelis, they say it’s a silly name for a serious passion, here to taste the best of the best dishes, you will need a real Israeli guide, leave the Lonely Planet home. Meorav Yerushalmi is one of the best, even if you can not pronounce it, it tastes great, Jerusalem mixed grill, chicken heavily seasoned with Middle Eastern spices and seared on a griddle with onions.

For the desert when it’s getting cold? forget about alcohol and hot chocolate, trust Israliens once again, Sachlab is a hot and sweet drink, a bit thinner than pudding and thicker than whole milk, derived from the powdered extract of certain species of Middle Eastern orchid, you won’t something similar to this, anything! Topped with coconut shavings and cinnamon, yummy!

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