Surf beaten beaches of Hong Kong

City of simple pleasures
Once you arrive in this steamy metropolis with packed sidewalks and terribly slow traffic, you might lose patience and think, where am I??After the first wave of Hong Kong has rolled over you, take a deep breath and start to feel the real Hong Kong, that it’s a place where to delight in, it might surprise you how fake impression it gives to you once arrived. Hong Kong is incredibly safe and organized, the trip to this city will consist of perfect little moments, that will summ you a fantastic trip to Hong Kong.

It’s a perfect place where to get away from your comfort zone, but will it will reward you later on, everything in here is different, you might sit on a plastic chair and sip a noodle soup the best you have ever tasted, or you can stay in five star hotel lobby or terrace drinking afternoon tea and enjoying the world going by, actually that’s a very local thing to do.

You can also escape the perfectly organized city jam, watch the sunsets and sunrises from a remote mountain peak, or ho hiking surf-beaten beaches or explore one of the deserted islands. Get to one of the fishing villages and have unforgettable meal in one of the local tiny places, grab a 2 dollar ferrie that gets you there in a minute, and have bunch of priceless memories.

Chine itself is massive, might seem familiar, but its not, it’s unique and very old fashioned, in few words eye-opening contradictions. From Hong Kong you will enjoy mind blowing peaks of Himalayas, that for a moment will make you feel small but incredibly powerful! When it comes to being a tourist in Hong Kong, remember you are in the World’s Food Fair, so it’s one of the most popular things to explore in this city.

Hong Kong offers all kind of dining, from cheap roadside stalls to world-class restaurants, all kind of restaurants, influenced by Eastern and Western Cultures, offering you the best mix of tastes ever!By years and many cultures passing by, Hong Kong has grown into a eating paradise.

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