Santo Domingo, sound of life

Romance with white pastel colored buildings
Dreaming about a paradise destination, golden beaches and stunning scenery? Dominican Republic has it all and more for you, it’s one of the Caribbean’s most diverse countries, offering stunning mountains, colonial architecture, traditions that date back thousand years ago and one of the most welcoming and warm people on the planet.

The picturesque white sand beaches coastline stretches for hundreds of miles, giving you an impression, that paradise exists, so diverse, with palm trees along the side or very rocky cliffs, where you are sure to be left alone, even playing Robinson Crusoe if you like so. Fishing villages still the same as they were back then, or bigger towns as Santo Domingo, entertaining tourists all night long, this is the largest city that symbolizes both,limits and escapes.

To get your mind a rest, there is no better place on this planet than DR, so natural, so simple and easy, distinctly rural, horses grazing around the roads, tractors going through the fields, stunning views over European Alps, jungles and waterfalls, deserts…a geographical diversity that you won’t find on other islands. It’s a country of mix of ethnicities, and I won’t even mention the diverse style and design in each of towns, Santo Domingo is the center of movement, alive and happy. All the buildings are white-washed and pastel-colored with bright flowers on the balconies…countless monasteries and churches, it’s a place where people somehow against the poverty, still celebrates the life, every single and tiny thing.

That’s where the sound of life is heard from far away, Santo Domingo is a collage of cultures, it’s the vibrant heart of all country, intense and very much alive. Chaotic traffic is just a part of city’s charm, urban city, packed with clubs, bars and cultural institutions, there are also many fancy restaurants where businessmen have very posh lunches. It seems like Santo Domingo manages it all, being metropolis, a living museum, seaside resort and a center of politics, finances and a very casual spirit fulfilled with laid back traditions.

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