The best and truest Brazilian vibe

Florianopolis, the island of magic
Brazil is famous with the best carnivals in the world, extremely good looking population, who are for everything anything that’s Big! There are countless cities and villages to visit, offering you a very diverse landscapes and adventures. Florianopolis is the capital of beautiful Santa Catarina, which is an island, with 560 km of coastline. People in here definitely think this way, Life is a beach, at least in here, you can choose your beach, or village, Ilha de Santa Catarina offers deserted beaches with a lot of privacy, if you are looking for a party or big surf, Guarda do Embau and Praia do Rosa will take care of you, party people. Both are surf villages of stunning Florianopolis.

In Santa Catarina you will strongly feel the German ancestry, with blonde-haired, blue-eyed population and high level of life, sometimes confusing you, whether you are in South America or in Europe. Many festivals with a lot of beers and good looking people, you will have a time of your life. Florianopolis is divided in two parts, the mainland has the industrial zone, the other side of the bay, you will enjoy the historic center and two picturesque bridges that link these two important zones. One of the bridges is no longer open to the traffic, but still illuminated and stunning, the Ponte Hercilio Luz,defining the Florianopolis spectacular skyline.

Florianopolis is peroud of its 42 beaches, spread all across the tiny islands, it’s considered as the surf capital of Brazil, with stunningly beautiful locations, rolling hills and soft sand dunes, sparkling lagoons and smiley locals. Offering not just all kind of sports activities to please any kind of adventure enthusiast, but also a great cultural scene, including the best Brazilian traditions and fairs, explored to everyone. Azorean architecture mixed with ancient forts, accompanied with the legends and stories to protect you against the pirates of the islands.

Florianopolis has gained its nickname “Ilha da Magia”, the island of magic, a place where you will get the best and the truest image of the vibrant Brazilian culture, from Samba spectacular dancing to the brightest carnivals, from the most delicious capirinhas to the local cuisine, very interesting cultural sites and ancient proofs. Once you have get known Florianopolis, you have finally catched the the truest Brazilian vibe.

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