Unusual destination,Skopje

Macedonia, the best wine there is
Let’s take unusual destination, with fascinating and very diverse culture, with remarkable signs of Romans, Greeks and Ottoman, Macedonia will spin your head around and will make you love it! A part of the country is in Balkan, a part Mediterranean, the nature is breathtaking and the life in here mixes between very alive modernity and very laid back traditions. To give this place a full fairy tale look, there is 34 km long lake, in the summer stunning beaches take place, in the winter skiing in one of the most famous resort, Mavrovo.

Skopje is the capital and the pearl of Macedonia , being very unusual, with Turkish old town and ancient forests. This city will never stop to surprise you with its multifaceted personality, you can do so many fun things in here, as climbing mountains, visiting medieval monasteries, very traditional Balkan villages that are just the same as they were back then. Skopje might be tiny , but very eclectic city, with a government system that just constructed old bridges , museums and fountains, sculptures and monuments. Theses guys are really working to bring the tourism to the top level, they are doing just great!

You will immediately feel the ancient touch in this town, with old Turkish bazaar, Carsija, that brings everything on the table, from clothing to food, the 15th century’s Old Stone bridge Kameni Most and some of the spectacular churches. The citizens are extremely welcoming and make your stay unforgettable, with fine food and yes, some of the best wine.

Nowadays it has become one the best and oldest wine making regions in Greece, the road hasn’t been easy for this country, with wars and catastrophes that just slowed down the development of Macedonian wine. They are back on their feet now, investing in modern technologies and bringing the country up to glamour wine place. The wine culture has been in this country since Roman times, when the ruling emperors favored the grapes. Thanks to the Mediterranean weather, with sunshine and breeze, the vineyards are one of the best!

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