Astonishingly exotic Vietnam

Ancient pagodas of Hanoi
Vietnam will spoil you, offering you even more than expected, it’s an unforgettable experience, limestone islands and beauty of the land itself, it’s simple but very inspirational. It’s a world apart, not what you are used to …instead of last sport cars, you will see moped traffic loaded with pigs, instead of bars fulfilled with drunks and loud music, you will hear laugh a human laugh, Vietnamese people are energetic and resilient by nature. Rare, very rare.

Vietnam might be poor in some parts, but it’s never squalid, people living here, put their love and positive attitude everywhere, they socializes with the visitors , are open and honest. The countryside is the true pearl, astonishing pace and peace is what you will find. No traffic, no dust and noise, just wonderful nature and silent to enjoy. Rice fields and forests, Vietnam is a mountainous terrain with a great variety of wildlife. Most of the people live in the countryside, even though many start to move to the big cities, to earn some more money.

Vietnam’s charm is definitely the spirit in strength that the citizens are carrying within, even back in 1991 when the country was totally poor and broke, the difference is , they were never broke, there were still be the best food ever, there were still tourists and smiles on Vietnamese lips, despite of everything. Over the years, the quality that Vietnam offers has only grown, the pleasure are still the same, chitchatting with friends, laughing, enjoying a glass of bia hoi, a special Vietnamese beer.

Hanoi is the capital that offers lonely mountain roads and outstanding sheer lust for life from citizens, life in here is all about simple daily pleasures, that are taken granted in the rest of the world. And it has nothing to do of being poor, it’s about being thankful for everything we have…Hanoi is all about tree-fringed lakes and ancient pagodas, an energetic capital, which by the way is the most atmospheric in the whole Asia. start a day with a creamy coffee and bowl of noodles, the food is exquisite and with high quality, try it! This is a place where the modern and medieval still enthralls.

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