Buenos Aires, Argentina

The best city in Latin America
Ole Ole shouts on the streets of Argentina during football matches, it will be the most thrilling experience ever, visit the amazing Buenos Aires, hot blooded nation, that goes crazy for football, tango and beef. Now it’s spring there, so perfect time to change the seasons, the temperatures will be mild, beaches and towns start to be crowded and alive, BA is a center of all arts, cinema and music, tango, Argentina’s greatest contribution to the world outside. It pretty much explain how Argentines are made, spontaneous, hot blooded and strick, they adapt easily, and they are extremely funny.

Buenos Aire is one of the largest cities in Latin America and it’s the capital of Argentina, it’s vibrant, becoming even more alive during the night, located on the shore of Rio de la Plata River, south eastern coast of South America. It’s very multicultural, you will see a very strong European influence, also people are some of the most good looking in the world, mostly because of the mixed races, it’s a melting pot of different people The Paris of the South America. BA is a culturally rich city with a style of its own, with varied architecture, which is full of contrasts, modern and conservative, it’s a blurred mosaic of a modern metropolis.

The history of Argentina is colorful and vibrant as the country itself, Spanish empire ruled the country for two centuries, they were attracted by the treasure that the country was hiding, gold and silver. The country is rich, sadly it’s very corrupted, so there are very few rich citizens and many poor ones.

Beautiful sidewalks , that brings you to 20th centuries stone facades, it’s one of the biggest cities in the world, with approximately 14 million people living in it, it’s widely visited all year round, because of its reflecting mixture of French, Italian and overall Spanish styles, the capital is avant-garde and very traditional at the same time, you will see it in a daily move. The meaning of its name is Fair winds, as it is, an open minded city with lots of cultural activities and it suits every budget, taste or age visitors.

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