Picturesc Puerto Iguazu

Argentinian Paradise
Puerto Iguazu is a frontier city in Argentina. The world-renowned Iguazu Falls are only 18 kilometres away from the city, and as a result the city has developed much of its infrastructure around tourism.

The first European to discover what are now called Iguazu Falls is the Spanish explorer Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. He was drawn by the noise of the water, which can be heard at a distance of several kilometers.

If the main point of interest is the National Park of Iguazu and its Falls, there are also other activities that you can do here in this Argentinean paradise. The natural beauty of the landscape will take your breath away.

The picturesque gas train will take you through the park and will stop when animals cross.

The Iguazu National Park is an impressive nature reserve that was created to protect these beautiful falls. It was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

In this curve of the Iguazu River, you can find underwater reefs and ravines that are the origin of falls.
The most famous fall is known as Garganta del Diablo (the Devil’s Throat) on the Argentinean side, with a drop of more than 80m.

The Mborore and Yraipu communities can show you the traces and history of aboriginal culture. You can also acquire handicrafts made by the same communities.

The Triple Frontier in English is where the Iguazu River converges with the Parana River and where the borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil meet. On either side of the river, you can find an obelisk with the colors of the flag of the country.

The Guira Oga is an hospital for wild animals of the forest that are found around the region. The center rescues and takes care of birds and other animals that were in danger from illegal traffickers or have suffered an accident.

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