The Puntarenas Carnival

Costa Rica The Puntarenas Carnival in the coastal town Puntarenas of Costa Rica will be happening from the 5th until the 16th February. It is …

Las Fallas Festival 2009

Valencia hostels Las Fallas Festival – Valencia (March) Valencia lights up from the 15th to the 19th March when Las Fallas Festival takes place. A …

Brazilian rainforest in Germany

Leipzig Youth Hostels The Panometer: Brazilian rainforest in the middle of Leipzig created by Yadegar Asisi. Central Globetrotter and Hostel Sleepy Lion…Leipzig awakes to a …

The Great Wall of China

Beijing Hostels One of the greatest man made structures of the world is The Great Wall of China. Found in Beijing and lining the northern …

Hostels in Italy

No one is Like You Italia! Discover Italy with There is a lot to discover in Italy. Italy brings you the best climate, delicious …

Sydney Hostels

Relax Down Under Sydney, the largest and oldest city of Australia offers you a lot of sun, beautiful beaches, interesting museums, impressive buildings, relaxing areas …

Beware of guests who steal !!

Thieves in Hostels…. The night of 05/Jan (practically 2-4am on 06/Jan), two guys origine from Morocco robbed locker room in a hostel in Rome. ( …


Urbany Hostel Barcelona The XVI Bread & Butter tradeshow is opening on the 21st of January in the Barcelona Trade Centre (Fira de Barcelona) and …

Welcome to EastSeven Berlin Hostel

… the relaxed and familial Hostel in central Berlin The EastSeven Berlin Hostel is THE independent and comfortable Hostel in central Berlin. Conveniently located between …

Amsterdam hostels

Everything in Amsterdam and surround! Amsterdam, the capital and largest city of the Netherlands is famous of its canals, its bikes, its museums, its night …

Dublin Literary Pub Crawl

Dublin Hostels and Hotels Dublin Literary Pub Crawl (until end of March) You cannot leave Dublin without taking in some literary history when you join …

India Republic Day Parade

New Delhi Hostels and Hotels The importance of the country India becoming independant and declaring itself a Republic is celebrated on the 26th January every …

The Lights city PARIS

Hostels and Hotels Culture Paris is the capital of France and the country’s largest city. It is situated on the River Seine, in northern France, …

Venice Carnival 2009

Venice Hostel or Hotels, Book Now. The Carneval di Venezia is without a doubt the most celebrated event of the year for the region. From …

Chinese New Year

Shanghai Hostels and Hotels The Chinese New Year has become something of a universal celebration. From the 26th of January until the 9th of February …

Purple Nest Hostel increase services

more double rooms available Purple Nest Hostel don’t stop growing We always thinking backpackers need better services and all oferts avalaible to suit your budget. …

Jumbo Hostel Stockholm

Book the hostel now Do you want a unique experience? Sleep in a Jumbo Jet! The idea for the Jumbo Hostel is to take the …

The January Basho 2009

Tokyo Hostels & Hotels The January Basho – Japans much loved national sport, sumo wrestling takes centre stage this month with the major event, The …

Berlin and Beyond Film Festival

San Francisco Hostels Berlin and Beyond Film Festival San Francisco’s Castro Theatre brings films from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the annual Berlin and Beyond …

Hong Kong Fashion Week

Fall & Winter Collections Hong Kong becomes centre stage from the 12th to the 15th of January with the bi-annual Hong Kong Fashion Week for …

Happy New Years 2009!

M&J Place Hostel Rome Italy Now that you’ve finished the Christmas festivities, seen in the New Year of 2009 and are thinking of where to …

Krakow Philharmonic Concert

New Years Day Every year from mid-Spetember until mid-June the Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra performs numerous concerts each month, and on the 1st of January they …

Florence Hostels 2009

The Worldwide Florentine Carnival Feb 2009 The Worldwide Florentine Carnival of Florence is coming in early February 2009 bringing the best of Tuscany to life! …

New Years in New Zealand

Rythym & Vines Festival Rythym and Vines, New Zealands number one summer music festival is just around the corner and the 2009 bill is stacking …

Dubai Shopping Festival

Dubai Hostels and Hotels With 2 million visitors every year, and a grand total of over 1 billion in sales, the Dubai Shopping Festival is …

Frankfurt Hostels

Frankfurt Christmas Markets Every year the Frankfurt Christmas Markets draw thousands of people ready to take in the sights of what is truely a magnificent …