Daffodils at the Pantheon in Paris

Daffodil Festival March 16-18
Spring is here, and the daffodils know it. They seem to have appeared at esplanade in front of Paris’ Pantheon, and what a sight for sore, winter-starved eyes… But it’s just on this weekend, so make sure you head on down to check it out if you just happen to be strolling along the Seine this weekend.

The Daffodil Festival is running for the 4th year running, and is organized by the Curie Institute in Paris (if the name doesn’t ring a bell, Marie Curie is a physicist and chemist, a Nobel laureate, the first female professor at the Sorbonne… and the first woman buried under the Pantheon’s dome in Paris… not bad huh?).

The event not only celebrates the arrival of spring in Paris (easily the best European city to welcome spring in), but it’s an event to raise funds (and awareness) for cancer research. Each 2EUR donation grants you the right to pick a cancer … and helps the Curie Institute raise funds for their worthwhile research.

So drop on by, see how many of the daffodils are left! They apparently have planted over 50,000 daffodils on the Pantheon’s Esplanade, with plenty of picnic space and benches to inaugurate spring with. Join the buskers, mimes, street performers, and start the season with a perfect spring weekend. Better yet, come on Sunday and check out the ‘Roller Ballade’…!

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