Worlds greatest history resides in Istanbul

Europe and Asia in one place
Much of the world’s greatest history resides in Istanbul, a city that had gone by the name of Byzantine and Constantinople previously. This place is where the sultans looked over their city, where the Ottoman Empire reigned, where Egyptian culture grapples its way into contemporary times.

The walk around Old Istanbul is filled with some of the city’s most breathtaking sites within close vicinity of each other. Here you will find within a stone’s throw: Tokapi Palace, Ayasofya, Sultanahmet (Blue) Mosque, and many others. Along the way, you can find yourself in the Grand Bazaar, whether you are looking for gifts for friends or just looking to browse the multifarious trinkets Istanbul has to offer.

Even the best Turk will tell you that going to the meyhane is the way to go. The meyhane is the Turkish version of a bar, where one can drink raki and listen to the folk music of Turkey, called fasil. The best place to catch this culture is the district called Cicek Pasaji or Flower Passage. Here you will find live music and all the raki you can drink.

It was no mistake to call Istanbul the “City of the World’s Desire.”

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