UFO Festival Roswell

July 1 3 New Mexico USA
If you are one of those travelers who enjoys the quirky and the unusual then this could be the vacation event for you…
Every year the city of Roswell is invaded by more than 50 000 visitors for this massive event, some are wannabe aliens, there are UFO enthusiasts and sceptics alike, who flock to this infamous city in New Mexico to celebrate one of the most debated incidents in history: the mysterious unidentified flying object that crashed on a ranch in1947 about 30 miles north of Roswell.

The Roswell Army Air Field or RAAF were called in to investigate the crash, they then issued a statement claiming to have recovered a crashed flying disk.

An article was run on the front page of the Roswell Daily Record and the next day, the RAAF changed its statement stating that the object was actually a weather balloon, not a flying disk as they previously reported.

This revised statement sparked immediate controversy and has continued to be a hot topic of debate more than 60 years later.

The 2011 line up of presenters is an impressive list of researchers and writers that will give various lectures throughout the event on new evidence that has come to light in the years that followed this incident, if there is really life on other planets and what would happen if aliens really did live among us.

However there is more to this kooky little town than just aliens, there are amazing bottomless lakes to explore, gorgeous hiking tracks, scenic bike trails and a huge wildlife refuge, as well as to excellent golf courses and a number of museums to check out.

If you are wondering where Roswell is, Albuquerque and Amarillo are the closest major cities around 200 miles away.

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