Dream for photographers

Open Sky in Nambia
Bantu speaking Herero settled in Namibia about 2000 years ago in about 1600’s, the Ovambo, which is the biggest ethnic group migrated there in 1800’s. Suddenly at that time Namibia was called South -West Africa and the Territory became a German colony. In 1900’s Germans massacred thousands of Herero , who revolted against the colonial rule, and finally during the Worlds War I Namibia was taken over by South African forces. And finally the colorful country what it was before Europeans came could be themselves again, the South Africa saw Namibia as a potentially a fifth province for their country…

Visitors who come to see this country may think that German period gave a huge influence and potential on the country, maybe it did in some point, but proportionally it overshadows a lot of history in Namibia. There are nothing left from the Herero who died at Waterberg, no monuments saved or museums left…it’s up to to tourists to find the traces of these histories…

Overall Namibia is one of the youngest Africa’s countries, between the Kalahari and the South Atlantic, it has all, diversity in cultures and national origins. In few words, it’s a country dream for any photographer…with beautiful wild seascapes, mountains, lonely deserts, many colonial cities, amazing wildlife which has the same habits and lifestyle and of course unlimited elbow room. Can you imagine more?

There is a peace that you won’t be able to find somewhere else in the world. A country who has suffered a lot, but still so amazing, that when you see it, you have to think, how something so amazing can even exist…watching lion pray in Etosha is breathtaking. Its horizons are wide and its skies open.

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