Philadelphia original capital of USA

Culturally the most vibrant
Once the city was original capital of America, Philadelphia has a long and rich history, full of culture, symbolism and diverse traditions. The Liberty Bell and the Declaration of Independence are both in Philadelphia, is the largest city in the Pennsylvania state, also known as Philly. With many immigrants so making it so chaotic with traditions and culture life, City of Brotherly Love has nearly 1.5 million people in the city alone.

As it’s famous for the wide history, Philly has countless art museums and galleries, so every first Friday of every month the streets of Philadelphia’s Old City fill with art gallery patrons. All the art lovers come to visit the neighborhood’s 40-plus galleries, most of them open from 5 until 9 p.m. Most of the galleries you will find between Front and Third, and Market and Vine Streets.

People are visiting galleries, eating out in the restaurants and heading back to the galleries, making a lousy mix in the streets, there’s diversity both in the crowd and among the galleries, it’s so strange to see how one of Philadelphia’s most culturally vibrant, comes alive. The first Friday includes also a live music performances in the galleries and out on the streets, making the city totally transfare. Around the Second Street gallery hub right in the old town area are more than 50 galleries, showing variety of local’s works, from national and international artists.

It’s getting so alive, when people go to grab some food in local restaurants, than later on continuing with some more art galleries and ending the nice start of weekend partying in some great bars or disco clubs in Philadelphia. It first started in 1991 by a group of galleries as a collaborative open house evening, and since than first Friday quickly grew into one of Philly’s most vital, signature cultural events. Some of the great galleries that you can visit are, the Clay Studio; the Temple Gallery; the cooperative galleries Nexus, Highwire, Muse and Third Street Gallery; and collaborative Space 1026.

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