Carnival in Rome

Costumes and confetti
Rome is one of the rare cities in the whole worlds,in which you don’t need a reason for celebrations, every single event is celebrated with huge spirit, in Italy very popular are carnivals, and also in Rome, you will see all the little ones dressed as a princesses and other Disney heroes. Masks, maschere, are an important part of the carnevale festival , of course the Venice is the mother town for that, being the best city for traditional carnival masks.Starting from today until the 16th of February. Even if Rome is not the best carnival city, is still brilliant place to get fun and enjoy a real Italian spirit.

Once you will get in the ancient capital, you will notice children dressed in costumes throwing confetti and coriandoli, which are colored pieces of paper, of each other. Come to enjoy Carnevale Romano, in Piazza Navona and Via Cola di Rienzo. This is the coldest and darkest period in Rome, light it up with some costumes and confetti, let your sad thoughts disappear. Just as spring is the beginning of a new cycle, February represents the end of an old one. It was natural that this passage from winter to spring, representing the rebirth of nature, received special attention in a civilization whose economy was based on agriculture and was thus tied to the cycle of the seasons.

Even if Rome is new one in celebrating carnival, let’s give it a try…believe me should be fun, to see all the little ones dressed up, eating sweets, sharing balloons and laughs, the cool Roman streets will fill up with joy, come along for Roman holidays in period when most of the tourists are laying in the sun, somewhere else in the other part of world, enjoy the real Rome, without lines for Vatican and Colosseum.

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