The Famous Hakka house of Fujian

China well keeped secred
The southern province of China ‘Fujian’ has got it’s fame for its unique Hakka Houses. There is a distinctive history behind building these houses. The extensive growth of population pressure lead the hakka people in to conflict against neighbours. And to defend themselves from the enemies the Hakkas started to build these unique shaped houses. The only ones that are fairytale-like village buildings, shaped like a huge mushroom out of the ground, and a UFO dropped from the clouds.

The inimitable style of these houses locally called Tu-lou and are really looked interesting to the tourists worldwide. Normally they are constructed from brick, stone, or rammed earth, with the last being the most common. They have no window at the ground floor and only a single entrance. But they conveyed a number of compartments internally for living, food storage, ancestral temples, armoury etc. Hakka Earthen Castles are inexpensive to build and maintain, last forever (some are over 1,000 years old), and are so aesthetic they appear to have sprung from the very earth itself.

Zhengcheng Castle one of the best attractions to the tourists. It was built in Hukeng Town’s Hongkeng Village in 1912, and has two concentric circles. The outer building has 48 rooms on each of four floors; the inner circle has 30 rooms on two floors. An ancestral hall with four massive granite pillars dominates the courtyard. The tourists aren’t recommended to miss out of visiting this.

The excellent landscape and hill view of the entire area made it extremely charming for the visitors. Even though there is no time preference for visiting the hakka houses, the spring and autumn seasons bears the most beautiful scenes of it. The interesting matter is that the visitors can accommodate in one of these mushroom houses with excellent hygiene and comfort and what can give a memorable experience.

FuYuLou, a China nationally-protected mansion is a 5-storey rectangular tulou built in 1880. It has three separate courtyards and entrances. One of them is converted into a guesthouse with over 20 rooms. It has shared modern toilets, hot showers and free internet.

Hakka do not have complex and colourful dresses, distinct minorities in China. Theirs is traditional and simple. Nevertheless, they are distinguished for their songs, the so-called “mountain songs” These songs can be heard frequently in the hills of the Hakka village in the old days. They are mostly songs about their background and/or discourse as well as songs sung during courtship. Today, the foremost noticeable legacy of the Hakka is their gastronomy as well as their houses of unique architecture, Tulou.

– Mei Chay Kou Rou a dish of soya-braised pork belly stewed with preserved vegetables.

– Suan Pan Zi: a fry dish of disc-like Suan PanZi (literally means abacus counters) with crushed pork, mushroom pieces and so on. SuanPanZi is made from yam and flour and shaped like the counters of abacus.

– Niang Dou Fu: tofu (bean curds) cut into triangles and jam-packed with vegetables and crushed pork served either fried or steamed.

– A range of delicious munchies as well as BaoBin yam-pieces stuffed buns and so on.

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