Assumption Day, Ferragosto

Only tourists in Rome
There is beginning in every single thing on this planet, and so there is one for the holidays, and who knows better to celebrate than Italians? Everyone knows, that Rome in august is full of foreign people, cos that’s the time when most of the Romans are on vacation, and there is a start date for that, 15th of August officially every single year Feragosto!

Assumption Day is an national Italian holiday, many businesses and shops closes in this date, but not everyone goes on holidays, you cannot just shut off the city, all the major tourist sites shops are more likely to be some open, but you will see mostly tourists on the streets, the public transport in this month is rare and slow, otherwise Rome is very enjoyable.

Many Italians head to the beach for Ferragosto, so the coast are usually very crowded while the cities may be fairly empty, mostly all Italians have their holidays 2 to 3 weeks starting from Ferragosto, however you might pop up on closed restaurant and bar doors with written Chiuso per Ferie (Closed for Holidays). Main discos and beach parties are closed, everyone is in Ibiza or Sardegna, which are the most popular destinations for the vacation in Italian Style.

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