10 Things to do in London in October

London Cocktail Week
10 Things to do in London

1. Oktoberfest – It last all month and is a great time to go out with friends and enjoy some great german beer and also some great german cooking.

2. The Fabric of India – It is a large exhibition at the V&A museum that shows 200 handmade textiles that show Indias cultural heritage.

3. Cocktail Week – Starting October 5 through the 11 will be cocktail week. Old Paitalfields Market will be occupied with all sorts of cocktail venders, also a hub is Soho will be providing a special drinking expeirences. If you buy a London Cocktail Week wristband(10£) you will have accsess to 5£ cocktails in all the best bars around London. It is a great time to go out with friends because there will be all kinds of street food and music to keep you entertained.

4. Crime Museum Uncoverd – The museum will be open to the public for the first time on October 9, where there will be access to some of the most high profile crimes, such as Millennium Dome Diamond Heist and the Acid Bath Murderer.

5. Chocolate Show – The Chocolate Show has plenty of activities, tastings, and demonstrations for people. There are premier brands like Paul A Young, Hotel Chocolat, and Rococo, also chefs will be there such as the Galvin brothers, Edd Kimber, and Will Torrent to show off some recipes. This event will be held on Oct. 16 through the 18.

6. Thrill the World London – Thrill the World London is an attempt to break the world record for most people doing the thriller dance. It will be held at the Covent Garden Piazza , Covent Garden on the 24 of October.

7. MCM London Comic-Con – The day after Thrill the World London(Oct, 25) you can head over to MCM Comic-Con for a great time where they will have all sorts of dealer stalls, special guests, and other games and cosplays.

8. Kids Half-Term Holiday – The holiday starts Oct 26 and runs through the 30th. Its a great time to go out with the family and visit the many museums London has to offer. Or you could also just enjoy some outdoor activities with the family.

9. Museums at Night – Now this is not your average boring school style visit. On Holloween weekend the biggest museums will be having fun activities after hours for the family to enjoy.

10. Holloween – Dress up and find a party to go to with friends and enjoy the night.

10 Things to do in London in October

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